Fixing Doesn’t Fix

We have a cultural belief that when things are broke we should fix them.  That belief transfers into golf and our golf swings.  Most players have no idea what is actually happening in the two seconds it takes to make their swing. They make a swing and look for the ball and make a judgment (good, bad, like, dislike, right and wrong).  That prevents accurate feedback which is necessary for development.  Changes are made in the golf swing through awareness, the language of the body. Awareness is the ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of something in the present moment. Without accurate feedback there is no awareness and little chance of development.


Changes in the swing can be made quickly through distinctions. Although there could be others, here are the five major areas we could be aware of in the swing:

  1. Club Head – could you pay attention as it works around your body? Could you feel the weight and tell what position it is in?
  2. Club Path – (swing plane) where does the club go in your swing?
  3. Solid Contact – What would you need to distinguish to consistently produce solid contact? Solid contact trumps all other distinctions and is what everyone asks for.
  4. Aim and alignment – What would you have to pay attention too?
  5. Swinging with freedom – without formulas or tension.


John is a high handicap player and in his starting video you can see they he flips and scoops at impact. He has no idea that he does that and he cannot produce or has experienced solid contact.

In the second video, John felt something different while looking at the target. Changes can be made quickly when you experience where you are and then feel something different. It is usually necessary to go slow to feel the differences.

Distinctions are the key to making changes in your swing and this process can be applied to all areas of your swing.  Get off the fixing merry go round and start the process of developing your swing through awareness.

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